Personal Injury & Product Liability
- Slip and fall on a wet restroom floor. Medical damages included ongoing pain and stiffness. Plaintiff claimed defendant's janitorial service failed to properly maintain the restroom. Defendant alleged plaintiff assumed the risk when she walked on an obviously wet floor.
- Presided over numerous cases involving allegations of personal injury resulting from exposure to asbestos.
- Handled matter alleging strict liability, negligence, and toxic tort liability against a manufacturer of polyurethane foam roofing materials.
- Product liability action for failure to warn and negligent design against an automotive battery manufacturer involving a battery explosion in which the plaintiff lost the sight in one eye.
- Product liability action for alleged design defect resulting in solo accident due to motorcycle instability and resulting brain injury.
- Product liability wrongful death complaint for alleged design defect of motorcycle helmet that did not prevent catastrophic injuries from curb impact.
- Handled wrongful death action in which the decedent was struck by a propelled halon tank during the removal of a pressurized fire suppression system. Defendants included the system manufacturer, the system installer, and the building owner.
- Wrongful death product liability action for alleged design defect and failure to warn against golf cart manufacturer arising passenger's fall from the cart due to an abrupt turn.
- Product liability action alleging design defect for a rollover bar affixed to a tractor that contacted and dislodged an overhead object striking the tractor operator, resulting in paraplegia.
- Personal injury case against security guard company and large apartment complex for alleged negligence and failure to protect plaintiff from vicious assault by unknown third parties.
- Personal injury action against party organizer and party supply rental company for alleged negligent installation of red carpet that resulted in plaintiff's trip and fall.
- Subcontractor's employee's lawsuit for on the job broken leg injury alleging general contractor's acts and omissions affirmatively contributed to the accident.
- Product liability action for design defect due to lack of a motorcycle crash bar in accident resulting in leg amputation. Handled dispute involving automobile accident with catastrophic brain injury.
- Handled personal injury action against a security services company and security guards involving allegations of false arrest, false imprisonment and emotional distress.
- Handled a product liability action for design defect and negligence against a beverage bottling company in which a consumer alleged injury to her esophagus after drinking from a can claimed to be contaminated with diesel fuel.
- Handled a personal injury action arising from a motor vehicle accident. In addition to soft tissue injury, the plaintiff alleged that she suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.
- Product liability allegation for design defect and failure to warn regarding furniture saw accident resulting in thumb amputation.
- Handled action brought under maritime Jones Act by seaman for back injury.
- Lawsuit by passengers for negligence against a taxicab company and it's driver when the driver lost control and the car struck a retaining wall. Alleged injuries included exacerbation of preexisting cervical condition.
- Slip and fall action in which claimed injuries included a torn meniscus, rotator cuff damage, lower back injury with sciatica and bulging disc, deep vein thrombosis and a pulmonary embolism.
- Settled slip and fall case in which injuries included a right radial neck fracture (broken arm) with significant claimed future medical specials and loss of earning capacity.