Government Tort & Municipal Liability
- Handled government tort action for negligence, negligent infliction of emotional distress, and violation of duties imposed by law arising from the murder of three individuals by a convicted gang member who allegedly remained in San Francisco due to the City's sanctuary law.
- Handled multi-defendant wrongful death action arising from a train/bus collision with allegations of negligence in addition to government tort claims against the state and county for unsafe conditions.
- Personal injury complaint arising from injuries that resulted from alleged negligence of a driver for failure to wait for a passenger to be seated before bringing his bus to an abrupt stop.
- Personal injury action alleging negligence against a cable car operatorfor failure to brake resulting in pedestrian's lower leg amputation.
- Personal injury and wrongful death action for alleged unsafe condition of county road resulting in ponding and loss of control of automobile.
- Handled county and city cases in which multiple plaintiffs alleged negligent maintenance of river and creeks that resulted in catastrophic flooding.
- Personal injury action for negligence which arose when a pedestrian was struck by a City automobile, allegedly resulting in knee injury, loss of earnings and medical expenses.